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This PDF document examines the myriad costs of the Navy presence that thus far have been invisible for public scrutiny and action. 

The section in the Fall, 2016, DEIS on social and economic impact is woefully inadequate. As the study says, some of the costs are difficult to calculate, but assigning a value of zero is certainly not a 'best guess.' 


A recent analysis by Michael Shuman indicates that, altogether, over the period 2010 and 2021, costs of the Navy presence, including the impact of the Growlers, to Island County alone will be about $122 million. Specifically, "The Naval Air Station’s largest program—training pilots to fly “Growler” aircraft—has exposed more than 11,000 residents to harmful levels of noise. An economic assessment model used to assess every high-noise project in the United Kingdom suggests that the health costs to Island County residents are currently $2.8 million per year, and will grow to $3.3 million if the Growler program expands as planned. Additionally, the program has depressed property values by $9.8 million thus far, and this damage will almost certainly grow as that program expands as planned."    


Reference: "Invisible Costs: The $122 Million Price Tag for The Naval Air Station Whidbey Island." By Michael H. Shuman February 2017.



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