Over San Juan County
2020 News Archive:
December 23, 2020: Navy Begins Noise Monitoring Initiative at NAS Whidbey Island
December 18, 2020: Two letters to the Editor in the Seattle Times illustrate request for the Navy to leave the Olympic National Park in peace.
December 15, 2020: KING5 News ran this story on the effect of the Growlers over the Olympic Peninsula. Not sure how long this clip will be available, so take a look now: https://www.king5.com/article/tech/science/environment/new-studies-explore-navy-noise-over-olympic-peninsula-and-underwater/281-f58f36d9-aa8d-4b80-99cb-1710cbe92ddd
December 9, 2020: Read this Opinion in the Seattle Times regarding Growler Flights over Olympic National Park.
December 5, 2020: Read this new report, a study of Growler noise levels for humans and marine and terrestrial wildlife. Above and below: Military Aircraft Noise in Air and under Water at Whidbey Island, Washington. The study is also summed up in the Seattle Times: Navy Growler jet noise loud enough to reach orca pods even 100 feet underwater, new research shows
October 1, 2020: Thanks to so many folks for participating in the ZOOM Growler Update on Sept 30. Following up on requests, we have the presentation with the flight maps available for you. Click on MAPS. Stay Connected and Stay Strong!
September 28, 2020: Join us for a ZOOM call on September 30 with updates about Growler Noise and Sound Monitoring. Open this announcement for details about connecting.
September 20, 2020: From the Natl Parks Conservation Assoc regarding the Growler flights over Olympic National Park, and the flights to and from that area: The Navy just released its final decision on their Northwest Training and Testing plans. Take a look for yourself at the Navy’s document, then drop a letter to your newspaper, social network and elected official asking the Navy to protect America’s people and parks by flying elsewhere.
September 14, 2020: The number of jet noise reports from residents of the Salish Sea region continues to grow. See the July-August data report.
September 4, 2020: This letter from a Whidbey Island resident makes a point many of us feel. The Navy at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island is out of line with the excessive jet noise and overflights we experience in this region.
July 21, 2020: Check out the Jet Noise Report Data for the first half of 2020. And get the latest news in our July Monthly Update.
June 4, 2020: Please use this Aircraft Noise Reporting Website to report jet noise from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island that is bothering you. This data is analyzed frequently and reported to elected officials. If you need tips on how to report jet noise, click here.
May 12, 2020. Read Rep. Larsen's letter to Acting Secretary of the Navy McPherson regarding Real Time Aircraft Noise Monitoring Plan required by the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 National Defense Authorization Act.
April 17, 2020: A message from the Sound Defense Alliance:
Right now, the number one priority for our state and nation is to defeat COVID19. We all need to work together to stay healthy and save lives, both military and civilian. Working together provides us with the hope of restarting daily life soon, without fear.
Across Northwest Washington and the Salish Sea (Island, Jefferson, Skagit, San Juan’s and Clallam Counties), over 337,000 people are sequestered in their homes. Washingtonians from these counties are being impacted by the unrelenting Navy Growler jet noise because people are staying in the safety of their homes.
People suffering from illness and anxiety over loss of jobs and security and lives compromised or lost – do not need to suffer from the impacts of jet noise, too. Jet noise has real health impacts and Washington’s State Department of Health has declared noise a public health issue. Adding jet noise on top of the medical crisis of our lifetime is making this situation unbearable.
We worked with the Governor’s office to get the Navy to cancel training flights last Thursday and Friday, April 9th and 10th for the Easter/Passover holiday. The Navy listened. Now we need to lift the voices of people across NW Washington to ask the Navy to be a good neighbor.
Stop or move all FCLP’s and jet flight training over Washington State until May 4th. Thanks!
Please join us! Let the Navy and our elected officials that we all need to stand together!
The noise has been heartbreaking ---- You can help by calling or emailing today!
1. Captain Arny at 360-257-2345, matthew.arny@navy.mil
2. Governor Jay Inslee at 360-902-4111, https://www.governor.wa.gov/contact/contact/contacting-governors-office
Your email could be cc’d to:
Rear Adm. Stephen Barnett, Commander of the Northwest Region, Stephen.barnett@navy.mil
Senator Maria Cantwell, https://www.cantwell.senate.gov/contact
Senator Murray, https://www.murray.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactme,
Representative Kilmer, http://kilmer.house.gov/
Representative Larsen, www.larsen.house.gov/
Representative Smith, www.smith.house.gov/
March 24, 2020: Since the Navy added 36 more EA-18G Growler jets at Whidbey Island, extreme noise events have increased dramatically in our region.
Noise reports for 2019 were 59% higher than the average of the previous 4 years. Noise reports for January and February of 2020 are 13% higher than January and February of 2019. Read the full report.
February 27, 2020. Read this LETTER from a local resident to Washington's Attorney General regarding Navy's releases of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (“PFAS”) to public waters, with negative health effects to humans, wildlife, and drinking water resources.
February 13, 2020: Take note! Rep. Rick Larsen invites constituents to meet him for a Presidents’ Day Town Hall meeting from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday, February 17, 2020 at the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Station in Eastsound. This is an opportunity for Larsen to hear directly from constituents about important issues in an informal setting. Let him hear how the growler jets are impacting you. ****** Plans are in the works for a meeting on Orcas in April to discuss Growler jet impacts. More details will follow....
January 15, 2020: The Annual Report of reported jet noise incidents is available HERE. Noise reports for 2019 were 59% higher than the average of the previous 4 years. Persons who live in, or who visit our region are invited to submit a jet noise report if they are annoyed by excessive jet noise.