Over San Juan County
Demand a Jet Noise Study
In addition to the harm to citizens in San Juan County, Island County and surrounding communities, the Growler jet noise is destroying the serenity of our public places. Representative Derek Kilmer called for a new study of military jet noise over Olympic National Park. Kilmer urged the National Park Service (NPS) to collect new noise samples and data for the Federal Interagency Committee on Aviation Noise (FICAN). He also asked FICAN to review the NPS findings along with previous studies from other agencies like the Department of Defense.
We should demand a similar study for San Juan Island National Park and Ebey's Landing which are also managed by the NPS; those sites are in Rep. Larsen's District.
There are two ways to send this communication to Rep. Larsen.
"Copy" the text from the letter available by clicking here , and then
Open up Rep Larsen's website http://larsen.house.gov/contact-rick
Enter your zip code and click on Go to Next Step
Enter your contact information, as requested
Select "Environment" as an issue category
Type in "Jet Noise Study for National Parks" as the Message Subject
Then "Paste" the text of the letter you copied into the Text of Message
2. Use the US Mail!
Click here for a letter you can print out, date, sign and send.
Honorable Representative Rick Larsen (WA 2nd District)
2113 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515