Over San Juan County
" These rural islands are an extraordinary treasure...places of peace...where people are safe, day and night.... Our islands and marine waters have exceptional natural beauty and healthy, diverse ecosystems that are pollution-free. [The] economy recognizes the rural, residential, quiet, agricultural, marine and isolated nature of the islands... the air is fresh and clean...[we] take appropriate action to assure healthy land and marine environments." San Juan County Comprehensive Plan, 2036 Vision

We are looking for quiet in our skies.

San Juan County supports a web site for our Salish Sea and Olympic Peninsula region that you (YES, YOU!) can use to report excessive aircraft noise from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. The website is:
Click here for tips on how to report jet noise.

The Quiet Skies Group is comprised of citizens and residents of San Juan County, Washington, who are concerned about excessive and disruptive noise in our skies due to the increasing placement of EA-18G Growler jets at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island. Read more...

Contact your legislators to tell them how jet noise affects you.
** NEWS **
January 9, 2025: A study published yesterday to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that living near airports can affect heart health, people exposed to airport noise experience changes to their heart structure and function, and that these changes can quadruple risk of heart attack or stroke - of course just adding to what we already knew from years of living under the Growler jets. Read more here:
January 3, 2025: Whidbey News Times: "Appeals dropped in Growler noise lawsuit" When the Navy started taking steps to dismiss the appeal — for reasons unknown to the plaintiffs — COER also agreed to drop the matter. Background:
The litigation over Growler noise began in 2021, when the state Attorney General’s Office and COER sued the Navy over perceived deficiencies in the Environmental Impact Statement.... U.S. District Court Judge Richard Jones found that the EIS failed to quantify the impact of Growler noise. ...Subsequently, the judge ordered the Navy to redo the EIS.... In August, Jones ruled that the Navy must submit status updates every 90 days until the May 1, 2025 deadline, although the Navy can request extensions.
November 28, 2024:
An article in the Whidbey News-Times: "Navy sets schedule for supplemental Growler study
The Navy expects to complete an analysis of an environmental study of Growlers at NASWI by February." The article continues:
"The litigation over Growler noise began in 2021, when the state Attorney General’s Office and COER sued the Navy over perceived deficiencies in the Environmental Impact Statement prepared to consider the impacts of additional Growlers and additional training. Much of the focus has been on the Outlying Field Coupeville, where training operations were set to increase fourfold.
U.S. District Court Judge Richard Jones found that the EIS failed to quantify the impact of Growler noise on classroom learning; failed to disclose the basis for greenhouse gas emissions calculations; failed to take a hard look at species-specific impacts on birds; and failed to give detailed consideration of the idea of moving Growlers to El Centro, California."
November 6, 2024: Loss of aircraft and pilots. Our hearts are heavy with the families and comrades of the pilots. Thank you to the brave search crews finding the aviators and bringing them back to rest in peace. Our pilots' and community's safety is always our priority and we are sorry for this tragic loss.
October 4, 2024: Citizens of Ebey’s Reserve (COER) has notified the Navy and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) of its intent to sue over failures of the Biological Opinions for the expanded Growler Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Northwest Training and Testing EIS to fully account for the impacts of Growler noise on marbled murrelets.[2] This small seabird feeds at sea but nests inland in old growth forest trees of the Olympic Peninsula, flying sometimes a hundred or more miles each day to incubate their single egg and feed the hatchling.
Were the Navy to lose COER’s ESA challenge, its noise harassment of the marbled murrelet would be ruled as an unauthorized illegal action violating the Act. That would require the Navy to cease flying at elevations that would harass marbled murrelets in their feeding and nesting areas.
COER’s action enlarges a prior National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) lawsuit successfully brought by the State of Washington in which the Court ruled the Navy had not fully and forthrightly considered the impacts of Growler noise on birds. COER’s action addresses Endangered Species Act (ESA) noncompliance by the Navy and USFWS with ESA provisions intended to protect species, like the marbled murrelet, at risk of extinction.
Sept 24, 2024: Participate in this Listening Session, sponsored by the Sound Defense Alliance,
October 4th from 6-7:30pm. Hear from folks across the region who will talk about their experiences with Growler jet impacts. It feels better when we share! Please RSVP.
August 31, 2024:
From the Whidbey News-Times, Thursday, August 20, 2024
"Judge sets deadline for Growler impact study."
A federal judge ruled that the Navy’s errors in studying the environmental effects of noise from the EA-18G Growler jets were so significant that he set a specific deadline for re-doing the Environmental Impact Statement. In addition, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Jones ruled in the Aug. 16 decision that the Navy must submit status updates every 90 days until the May 1, 2025 deadline, although the Navy can request extensions.
June 22, 2024: Here is a video that offers further explanation of the UW Study on the Health Impacts of growler jet noise, as reported below. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1omoTcEYVKtHUO8d-b_rbgcSvCu5ahZBL/view?usp=sharing
May 31, 2024. Make sure you read the articles below about the UW study on Health Impacts. Also, take a look at this from Scientific American: Quiet! Our Loud World Is Making Us Sick.
May 12, 2024: Ongoing research in the College of the Environment of the University of Washington has produced a study on "Population health implications of exposure to pervasive military aircraft noise pollution." Click to find this study AND the subsequent Seattle Times article. >>Results of the study indicate "Over 74,000 people within the area of aircraft noise exposure were at risk of adverse health effects. Of those exposed, substantial numbers were estimated to be highly annoyed and highly sleep disturbed, and several schools were exposed to levels that place them at risk of delay in childhood learning. Noise in some areas exceeded thresholds established by federal regulations for public health, residential land use and noise mitigation action, as well as the ranges of established exposure-response relationships." The Seattle Times article calls on the Navy to "turn down the volume on Whidbey ‘Growler’ operations." The complete study can also be found at st.news/growler
There's more. Go to News Archive...

Do you have a video of Growlers flying over your home? You can send it to our partners at the Sound Defense Alliance. Email is:
Concerned about Growler jets flying over the Olympic National Park?
On Oct 21, 2021 the Navy issued their record of decision a year after the associated supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) was completed for their operations in their expansive Northwest Training and Testing Range. It appears to be full speed ahead for the Navy, but with an interesting and modest tweak to avoid some flights over Olympic National Park.
Read the comments from Rob Smith, Regional Director,
Northwest Regional Office in Seattle
National Parks Conservation Association
Our neighbors on Whidbey Island report this:
"We were totally surprised by the Growlers at the Transportation Center in Coupeville today. The result was two crying children and the rest of us running for our cars to protect them.
The jets were the lowest I've seen at about 300 feet from the ground, turning hard and low, so we got all of the engine noise blown right at us. It took hours to calm the children down and our ears rang all afternoon.
Is this really what the Navy wants to do to our children?"
Photos on this page change. Orca photo by: Flip Nicklin, Minden Pictures, Natl. Geographic Creative. Photos of goldfinch, sheep in field and sunrise by Kristen Rehder. Photo of bicycle by CK. Snow photo by TM. Group photo on Lopez island by Bill Evans. Other photos from Shaw Island and Port Townsend, Summer, 2019. Orca photo: 12_0rca_killer_whale_gallery.adapt.1190.1.jpg
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