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Do You Want

More Growlers

in Our Skies ?

For an update, see the Navy's Draft FINAL EIS

The Navy's DRAFT Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was produced in the Fall, 2016, with a final deadline for comments by February 24, 2017. The DEIS concerned the Navy's plan to add 35 or 36 more Growler Jets to the Naval Air Station on Whidbey Island, estimating a 46-47% increase in Growler jet traffic in our area.

If you would like some background, you can read some of the letters and comments made in response to the DEIS.


Navy extends EIS into 2018.

Click on this PDF for Detailed Comments by Quiet Skies.



Click in this PDF for Governor Jay Inslee's letter.



Click on this PDF for the review by the Environmental Protection Agency.



Click on this PDF for the comments from the West Coast Action Alliance.

Click on this PDF for a document describing deficiencies and omissions in the DEIS.

Click on this PDF about more Growlers at Naval Air Station Whidbey, not mentioned in the DEIS.

Click on this PDF for a document describing concerns of noise affecting ecosystems, wildlife and health.

Click on this PDF document describing health effects, increased impact and safety issues.

Click on this PDF document describing deficiencies in the noise data in the DEIS.

For the costs of the Navy presence and Growler growth that are not mentioned in the DEIS, click HERE.


















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